Black garlic is a traditionally Korean specialty that is also becoming common in North America. While it may be simple to purchase pre-packaged black garlic, it can be more rewarding to make your own at home. Once your garlic is ready, you can use it in all sorts of dishes such as pasta, hummus, pizza or stir-fries. Fermenting the garlic is a simple process but it does take a long stand-by time, so be prepared to wait a while for your black garlic to be ready.
1,Put as many whole, unpeeled garlic bulbs as you would like in your container. The container can be
any material that is safe for the oven, and should be big enough to hold the amount of garlic you want to make.
2 ,Wrap the container with the foil. You should wrap it as tightly as possible to prevent any contaminants
from getting in and to prevent too much garlic aroma from wafting out.
3 ,Place the tightly wrapped container in an oven set to about 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Many ovens
can't be set this low, but if it is a gas oven it may be warm enough with just the pilot light on. If you don't want to leave your oven on for an extended period, you can also use a rice cooker set to "warm," a food dehydrator with all but one of the trays taken out, a plate warmer or a slow cooker. Just be sure that the temperature remains at about 130 to 150 degrees and won't shut off automatically.
4 ,Leave the container to ferment for 40 days. It is edible at 10 days, but to get the full effect you should
wait the full 40 days. In that time, the cloves will have become a deep, inky black color, and will be soft and spread-able and slightly sweet, similar to roasted garlic but much richer in texture.
Tips & Warnings Be sure to use firm, tight bulbs of garlic that are not peeling or spotted. Fermentation
intensifies the qualities of the garlic, and to get the best result possible you should start with the best garlic you can find.
In the long run, it will probably not work out to be less expensive to make your own black garlic unless
you are making an extremely large quantity, due to the energy costs of leaving an appliance on for 40 days. However, it can be a fun experiment if you are not worried about the cost factor.
It can be dangerous to leave any appliance plugged in or your oven on for 40 days. Consider not actually
turning the oven on but just fermenting your black garlic under the pilot light in your oven, as this may be warm enough but is less wasteful and dangerous. Make sure to keep any flammable materials away from plugged-in appliances.
How to Make Black Garlic Black garlic is a new product produced by the fermentation of garlic. It is a
sticky, slightly sweet, and is finding its way into high end restaurants and TV cooking shows. Black garlic also boasts additional antioxidants when compared to regular garlic. This article will get you going on how to make your very own black garlic by simply fermenting garlic in a warm oven.
1)...Set the oven to 150 degrees Fahrenheit (140-155F, 60-70C). It is important that the oven be
dedicated to the project for a period of 40 days, so consider that before starting the project. Make sure the oven can be set to a warm setting of 150 F or find a DC or AC heating blanket that meets this temperature and wrap your pot in it. If attempted commercially, the ideal oven is a laboratory incubator.
2)...Place the entire garlic bulb inside a clean glass container and place the glass lid on top. The humidity
must remain high during the 40 day period. This is easily done by filling the entire container with garlic and keeping it covered for the duration of the fermentation. Do not pile the garlic on top of one another. Simply spread them out with enough room for air to pass between each bulb within the glass container. Try to avoid earthen ware or plastic pots because they may impart unpleasant tastes and chemicals to the garlic.
3)...Use the oven thermometer to check the temperature (stay between 140-155F).
4)...Place the glass container in the oven and allow the garlic ferment for 40 days and 40 nights. Try not
to disturb the garlic during the fermentation, but also do not forget that you are making black garlic. It is best to circle the day on a calendar or set up a reminder on your computer or PDA for black garlic day!
...Enjoy the wonderful and tasty treat of home brew black garlic! Black garlic is an unusual delight to
eat as a side or incorporate into a meal. Recipes using black garlic can now be found on line, so once you have the magic ingredient, don't be afraid to experiment with black garlic in any dish that calls for plain garlic.
Find the best looking and tasting garlic to begin with, and you end up with a better looking and tasting
black garlic after fermentation.
Use the entire bulb, as peeling and taking cloves/toes out can damage the cloves or allow bacteria or
mold to enter into the product.
No need to wash the garlic before starting, but make sure the oven and glass container are clean so they
do not contaminate the garlic during fermentation.
Make sure the oven or incubator does not have an automatic shutoff and make sure it has circuit protection
to avoid overheating and fires.
If the garlic smells rancid or there is any mold or bacteria on the garlic, throw it out, clean everything well,
and try again!
One method from Internet
Fermenting garlic is no secret, much to the anguish of those who sell it, and would make you believe
it is a rare and complicated 'patented' process. Although a number of patents exist for the industrial manufacture of black garlic, nobody can sue you for making it. It is rather simple to do so, and all you need is a dedicated oven, patience, dedication and very forgiving neighbors, since your whole immediate neighborhood will smell of garlic for days on end :-).
Set your oven at 130 degrees F, place your garlic on a glass or earthen container with a lid, spray it with
enough water moisture as to dampen it (a spray gun works just fine) close the oven door and let it be for about 5 days, check your moisture level, garlic must remain moist through the whole process., temperature and humidity versus time is a trial and error factor, the lower your temperature, the longer the time the garlic will have to remain in the oven. Double fermentation also is used, with drying times in between processes which you will also have to experiment with. Every oven is different, every garlic is different. Plus if I give you correct formulas, I'd be taking all the fun out of it, so grin and bear it, nobody said it is easy, just that it CAN be made at home. Sometimes a wet cloth is placed between the vessel and the top to aid in maintaining humidity, but this is not necessary.
These are basic guidelines to start your adventure. Normal fermentation times range between twenty one
and thirty five days.
if you want to make at home yourself, we suggest use our machin,
fermented black garlic fermenter box, |
Address:Jindu Garden,Donghai West Road,Shinan, 266000,Qingdao, China Tel:86-0532-82876355 Fax:86-0532-82876291 Mob:0086-1586682-8452 E_mail: info@black-garlic.net |
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